animated gif of a pink cityscape scrolling to the left

Moo Like a Goat!

These are my Guinea Pigs

Left and right side references of three guinea pigs. From top to bottom: a puffy yellow, black, and white guinea pig captioned 'Silly: Nervous. Loves to eat.'; a fluffy black and white guinea pig with splashes of red around the face, captioned 'Rufus: Aby-tude. Waits his turn.'; and a smooth brown and white guinea pig captioned 'Marty: OK with tickles. He's the boss.'

There are three of them:

  • Marty
  • Silly
  • Rufus
I love them.

Last updated: September 16, 2024

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Moo like a goat button Moo like a goat button by Xbleaxhx